
Transparency is the key word

Friday, May 15, 2020

Christian Neumann

Person is holding a smartphone in their hand, on which the MachineBoard is open, in front of a lake in a forest.
Person is holding a smartphone in their hand, on which the MachineBoard is open, in front of a lake in a forest.
Person is holding a smartphone in their hand, on which the MachineBoard is open, in front of a lake in a forest.

Our App MachineBoard offers the long awaited overview.

The experiences of our customers have made it clear that the parallel operation of several machines often makes it difficult to keep track of the entire production. If a problem occurs, the machine operator often does not know in real time which machine caused the error message.

We at tapio have thought about it, there must be solutions! Based on the feedback from our customers, we formulated three hypothetical questions which helped us to combine the wishes of our customers in the new app and improve our product:

What if you could have an overview of all your machines with you anytime and anywhere?

The app from tapio has a big advantage: For the first time it allows an overview of all connected machines - at a glance. Already on the start page there is a list of all machines relevant for the whole production. It does not matter from which tapio partner the machines are from, as the app offers a manufacturer independent overview. Besides the remaining time until the next interaction, a coloured status underlines the current machine status and makes the overview even more transparent.

What if you could concentrate on the actual tasks instead of monitoring machines?

Push messages provide a high degree of flexibility. As soon as something doesn't go according to plan, a problem or a malfunction occurs, the app notifies the machine operator immediately. The fact that this is very efficient in practice is underlined by the feedback from our customers, who appreciate the convenience and simplicity of being able to access the current status via the app from anywhere and thus be informed about production times, downtimes, maintenance and even open safety gates. This leaves more time for the individual employee, who - as long as the app does not respond - can devote himself to other tasks.

What if you were at the right machine at the right time?

By showing the specific details of the machine, the app immediately locates the problem. Conversely, a solution can also be found more quickly. It is obvious that this reduces possible downtimes and increases production efficiency. The machine operator is informed preventively if, for example, operator intervention is required, such as changing labels.

The MachineBoard App thus offers three innovative advantages:

  • Overview of all connected machines available at any time

  • Preventive push notifications, which make work more flexible and allow faster intervention

  • Exact location of a problem and thus the possibility to be at the right machine at the right time

Now only one question remains: WOOD IS DIGITAL. ARE YOU?

A free demo version of the new app - without registration - can be accessed here: