Manage your workshop
digitally in My tapio

Everything in one place!

Company account

What is My tapio and how can I use it?

My tapio is your central company account for managing your workshop and production. Sign up to manage your woodworking machines, apps, tools and users digitally and increase the efficiency of your production. Discover My tapio today!

Illustration of a laptop with the application tab open in My tapio
Login for users of the tapio ecosystem

Company account

What is My tapio and how can I use it?

My tapio is your central company account for managing your workshop and production. Sign up to manage your woodworking machines, apps, tools and users digitally and increase the efficiency of your production. Discover My tapio today!

Illustration of a laptop with the application tab open in My tapio
Login for users of the tapio ecosystem

Company account

What is My tapio and how can I use it?

My tapio is your central company account for managing your workshop and production. Sign up to manage your woodworking machines, apps, tools and users digitally and increase the efficiency of your production. Discover My tapio today!

Illustration of a laptop with the application tab open in My tapio
Login for users of the tapio ecosystem

Everything you need for
your digital workshop

Illustration of the machine tab from My tapio with multiple machines with different status
Illustration of the machine tab from My tapio with multiple machines with different status
Illustration of the machine tab from My tapio with multiple machines with different status

digital & clear

Manage your entire
workshop digitally
with My tapio

Manage applications

Management of all purchased or activated app licenses from tapio and tapio partners.

Add user

Invite an unlimited number of colleagues to My tapio and authorize them for various apps.

Add service partner

Add and manage relationships with manufacturers and service partners.

Set up support access

Grant tapio or tapio partners remote access to support you with problems in My tapio or apps.

Add machines

Add all woodworking machines - tapio checks which machines are tapio-capable and connects them free of charge.

Create production

Digitally map the physical workshop in halls, machines, storage locations in order to use them across apps.

Machine status

Machine connection in My tapio

After you have added your woodworking machines to My tapio, we check the connectivity. If your machine is tapio-ready, it will be connected automatically and free of charge and will be available for apps. Otherwise, we will inform you about possible updates from your machine manufacturer. Machines with "limited" status can still be used for apps such as the ServiceBoard.

A laptop displays the Machines tab in My tapio with a list of machines and different statuses.
An excerpt from My tapio shows three different machine statuses.
Machine status

Machine connection in My tapio

After you have added your woodworking machines to My tapio, we check the connectivity. If your machine is tapio-ready, it will be connected automatically and free of charge and will be available for apps. Otherwise, we will inform you about possible updates from your machine manufacturer. Machines with "limited" status can still be used for apps such as the ServiceBoard.

A laptop displays the Machines tab in My tapio with a list of machines and different statuses.
An excerpt from My tapio shows three different machine statuses.
Machine status

Machine connection in My tapio

After you have added your woodworking machines to My tapio, we check the connectivity. If your machine is tapio-ready, it will be connected automatically and free of charge and will be available for apps. Otherwise, we will inform you about possible updates from your machine manufacturer. Machines with "limited" status can still be used for apps such as the ServiceBoard.

A laptop displays the Machines tab in My tapio with a list of machines and different statuses.
An excerpt from My tapio shows three different machine statuses.

quick & easy

My tapio
explained in 3 minutes

Jan explains how to find your way around My tapio and where which actions are possible. He also explains the individual tabs for machines, applications, users, service partners and production as well as the statuses of the machines you have added.

Help & Support

How do I get started with My tapio?

Need help? Visit our FAQ page for guidance on registration, adding machines, and other tips for frequently asked questions.


Is tapio available for my machines?

Is tapio available for my machines?

Is tapio available for my machines?

What is a service partner?

What is a service partner?

What is a service partner?

What is the support access?

What is the support access?

What is the support access?

What is QuickConnect and how can I use it?

What is QuickConnect and how can I use it?

What is QuickConnect and how can I use it?

What is a tapio Administrator?

What is a tapio Administrator?

What is a tapio Administrator?

How do I add a machine?

How do I add a machine?

How do I add a machine?

More questions?

ONE registration

ONE registration

ONE registration

away from your digital workshop.