The digital workshop for everyone!

The easiest way for manufacturers, carpenters and software developers to enter the digital world.

Collage of three pictures: The pictures show two young carpenters and a young carpenter in their workshop. All three are using a device such as a laptop or tablet. The collage symbolizes the easy access to the digital workshop and the variety of devices.
Collage of three pictures: The pictures show two young carpenters and a young carpenter in their workshop. All three are using a device such as a laptop or tablet. The collage symbolizes the easy access to the digital workshop and the variety of devices.
Collage of three pictures: The pictures show two young carpenters and a young carpenter in their workshop. All three are using a device such as a laptop or tablet. The collage symbolizes the easy access to the digital workshop and the variety of devices.

tapio as a new development area
for innovations


Infrastructure of the ecosystem

Similar to a city's infrastructure for water, electricity and transportation, we, as an infrastructure service provider, create the basis, set the legal framework and ensure rapid data transfer. As a neutral party, we handle partner requests, drive discussions about innovations and coordinate all requirements in one place.

Roundabout in illustrated traffic network of a new residential area
Illustration of a new development area with tapio security symbol at the end of the street"


Infrastructure of the ecosystem

Similar to a city's infrastructure for water, electricity and transportation, we, as an infrastructure service provider, create the basis, set the legal framework and ensure rapid data transfer. As a neutral party, we handle partner requests, drive discussions about innovations and coordinate all requirements in one place.

Roundabout in illustrated traffic network of a new residential area
Illustration of a new development area with tapio security symbol at the end of the street"


Infrastructure of the ecosystem

Similar to a city's infrastructure for water, electricity and transportation, we, as an infrastructure service provider, create the basis, set the legal framework and ensure rapid data transfer. As a neutral party, we handle partner requests, drive discussions about innovations and coordinate all requirements in one place.

Roundabout in illustrated traffic network of a new residential area
Illustration of a new development area with tapio security symbol at the end of the street"


Make data available

Manufacturers of tools, materials and machines use the infrastructure and provide data to develop applications. In return, they gain valuable insights for their product development. Security and data protection are managed centrally in accordance with the requirements of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

Illustrated traffic network of a new development area with a castle symbol at the end of the street and initial buildings.
Illustration of factories providing data to explain the data integration of different types of manufacturers into the tapio ecosystem.


Make data available

Manufacturers of tools, materials and machines use the infrastructure and provide data to develop applications. In return, they gain valuable insights for their product development. Security and data protection are managed centrally in accordance with the requirements of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

Illustrated traffic network of a new development area with a castle symbol at the end of the street and initial buildings.
Illustration of factories providing data to explain the data integration of different types of manufacturers into the tapio ecosystem.


Make data available

Manufacturers of tools, materials and machines use the infrastructure and provide data to develop applications. In return, they gain valuable insights for their product development. Security and data protection are managed centrally in accordance with the requirements of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

Illustrated traffic network of a new development area with a castle symbol at the end of the street and initial buildings.
Illustration of factories providing data to explain the data integration of different types of manufacturers into the tapio ecosystem.

App provider

App providers make the infrastructure visible

Along with tapio partners, we create industry-specific apps which are available to users via our platform. Manufacturers who provide their data enrich such apps with their expertise. Users can access the manufacturers' original data directly within the apps. Detailed rules for data exchange are already implemented in our infrastructure.

Illustrated traffic network of a new development area, with a castle symbol at the end of the road and with skyscrapers and factory buildings.
Illustration of skyscrapers and smartphone showing app icons to explain the integration of app and interface providers into the tapio ecosystem using a new development area.

App provider

App providers make the infrastructure visible

Along with tapio partners, we create industry-specific apps which are available to users via our platform. Manufacturers who provide their data enrich such apps with their expertise. Users can access the manufacturers' original data directly within the apps. Detailed rules for data exchange are already implemented in our infrastructure.

Illustrated traffic network of a new development area, with a castle symbol at the end of the road and with skyscrapers and factory buildings.
Illustration of skyscrapers and smartphone showing app icons to explain the integration of app and interface providers into the tapio ecosystem using a new development area.

App provider

App providers make the infrastructure visible

Along with tapio partners, we create industry-specific apps which are available to users via our platform. Manufacturers who provide their data enrich such apps with their expertise. Users can access the manufacturers' original data directly within the apps. Detailed rules for data exchange are already implemented in our infrastructure.

Illustrated traffic network of a new development area, with a castle symbol at the end of the road and with skyscrapers and factory buildings.
Illustration of skyscrapers and smartphone showing app icons to explain the integration of app and interface providers into the tapio ecosystem using a new development area.

Our digital infrastructure is subject to certified security standards

At tapio, we are dedicated to your security and the protection of your data - to ensure that your sensitive data remains safe and in your control.


Our digital infrastructure is subject to certified security standards

At tapio, we are dedicated to your security and the protection of your data - to ensure that your sensitive data remains safe and in your control.


Our digital infrastructure is subject to certified security standards

At tapio, we are dedicated to your security and the protection of your data - to ensure that your sensitive data remains safe and in your control.


For an easy start in the digital workshop

Access to +15 apps

Access to +15 apps

Apps available in over 30 countries

Apps available in over 30 countries

+45 partners from the wood industry

+45 partners from the wood industry

Certified security standards

Certified security standards

1.2 billion
1.2 billion

Apps in +10 languages

Secure access to your digital workshop

Discover the variety of your digital world - just as colorful as your physical reality. Use industry-specific apps and available data from well-known manufacturers and app providers from the wood industry. Maintain control over your sensitive production data at all times. All with just one login.

Illustrated traffic network of a new development area, with a castle symbol at the end of the street, densely populated, with various building types.
Illustrated carpentries and production facilities with speech bubbles from various applications to illustrate the benefits of the tapio ecosystem for customers using a new development area

Secure access to your digital workshop

Discover the variety of your digital world - just as colorful as your physical reality. Use industry-specific apps and available data from well-known manufacturers and app providers from the wood industry. Maintain control over your sensitive production data at all times. All with just one login.

Illustrated traffic network of a new development area, with a castle symbol at the end of the street, densely populated, with various building types.
Illustrated carpentries and production facilities with speech bubbles from various applications to illustrate the benefits of the tapio ecosystem for customers using a new development area

Secure access to your digital workshop

Discover the variety of your digital world - just as colorful as your physical reality. Use industry-specific apps and available data from well-known manufacturers and app providers from the wood industry. Maintain control over your sensitive production data at all times. All with just one login.

Illustrated traffic network of a new development area, with a castle symbol at the end of the street, densely populated, with various building types.
Illustrated carpentries and production facilities with speech bubbles from various applications to illustrate the benefits of the tapio ecosystem for customers using a new development area
For your customers

Digital transformation with tapio as a partner

As a machine, tool or material manufacturer in the wood industry, you can benefit from new digital services for customers. Fast integration into the digital ecosystem without high investments in your own systems. Concentrate on your core business and save time and resources.

Digital business card with a round photo of a person on a trade show stand. Below are details such as the LinkedIn contact and the email address
For your customers

Digital transformation with tapio as a partner

As a machine, tool or material manufacturer in the wood industry, you can benefit from new digital services for customers. Fast integration into the digital ecosystem without high investments in your own systems. Concentrate on your core business and save time and resources.

Digital business card with a round photo of a person on a trade show stand. Below are details such as the LinkedIn contact and the email address
For your customers

Digital transformation with tapio as a partner

As a machine, tool or material manufacturer in the wood industry, you can benefit from new digital services for customers. Fast integration into the digital ecosystem without high investments in your own systems. Concentrate on your core business and save time and resources.

Digital business card with a round photo of a person on a trade show stand. Below are details such as the LinkedIn contact and the email address

News for the wood industry

News for the wood industry

News for the wood industry