News from twinio

News from twinio

News from twinio

Create tools.
Manage tools.
Maintain tools

with the tool management twinio.

No My tapio company account yet?

No My tapio company account yet?

No My tapio company account yet?

twinio Office and twinio Mobile on floating devices with data streams and icons in the background
twinio Office and twinio Mobile on floating devices with data streams and icons in the background
twinio Office and twinio Mobile on floating devices with data streams and icons in the background
Manage tools

Manage tools easily and digitally

Scan your tools, receive original data from top manufacturers and retain full control. Your digital tool, always with you, no matter when and where - for maximum transparency and efficiency in your workshop.

Tool management open on smartphone illustration
Scan function in the tool management app twinio for the recognition of barcodes and QR codes of woodworking tools
Manage tools

Manage tools easily and digitally

Scan your tools, receive original data from top manufacturers and retain full control. Your digital tool, always with you, no matter when and where - for maximum transparency and efficiency in your workshop.

Tool management open on smartphone illustration
Scan function in the tool management app twinio for the recognition of barcodes and QR codes of woodworking tools
Manage tools

Manage tools easily and digitally

Scan your tools, receive original data from top manufacturers and retain full control. Your digital tool, always with you, no matter when and where - for maximum transparency and efficiency in your workshop.

Tool management open on smartphone illustration
Scan function in the tool management app twinio for the recognition of barcodes and QR codes of woodworking tools
Use tools

Save time through machine connectivity

Maximize efficiency and precision through seamless machine connectivity. Record the performance of your tools directly via twinio by automatically providing your machine with up-to-date and relevant tool data. Save valuable time and optimize your workflow.

Smartphone illustration shows Twinio tool management while a CNC machine is working in the background
Illustration of two communicating speech bubbles, one in HOMAG colors and the other in tapio colors
Use tools

Save time through machine connectivity

Maximize efficiency and precision through seamless machine connectivity. Record the performance of your tools directly via twinio by automatically providing your machine with up-to-date and relevant tool data. Save valuable time and optimize your workflow.

Smartphone illustration shows Twinio tool management while a CNC machine is working in the background
Illustration of two communicating speech bubbles, one in HOMAG colors and the other in tapio colors
Use tools

Save time through machine connectivity

Maximize efficiency and precision through seamless machine connectivity. Record the performance of your tools directly via twinio by automatically providing your machine with up-to-date and relevant tool data. Save valuable time and optimize your workflow.

Smartphone illustration shows Twinio tool management while a CNC machine is working in the background
Illustration of two communicating speech bubbles, one in HOMAG colors and the other in tapio colors
Sharpen tools

Sharpening made digital

Tool maintenance made easy: Select a sharpening service in twinio, create orders and track the process. The new measurement data is available to you immediately after sharpening. Rediscover efficiency.

Illustration of a smartphone with twinio open and highlighted tool strip
An excerpt from the Twinio tool management shows the sharpening order creation
Sharpen tools

Sharpening made digital

Tool maintenance made easy: Select a sharpening service in twinio, create orders and track the process. The new measurement data is available to you immediately after sharpening. Rediscover efficiency.

Illustration of a smartphone with twinio open and highlighted tool strip
An excerpt from the Twinio tool management shows the sharpening order creation
Sharpen tools

Sharpening made digital

Tool maintenance made easy: Select a sharpening service in twinio, create orders and track the process. The new measurement data is available to you immediately after sharpening. Rediscover efficiency.

Illustration of a smartphone with twinio open and highlighted tool strip
An excerpt from the Twinio tool management shows the sharpening order creation
Web app

No matter when and where - directly in the browser

Thanks to the technical implementation as a web app, twinio can be used independently of the device anytime and anywhere in the browser, without any updates being required[1].

Web app

No matter when and where - directly in the browser

Thanks to the technical implementation as a web app, twinio can be used independently of the device anytime and anywhere in the browser, without any updates being required[1].

Web app

No matter when and where - directly in the browser

Thanks to the technical implementation as a web app, twinio can be used independently of the device anytime and anywhere in the browser, without any updates being required[1].

Choose the right
package for your
tool management




Per month

Unlimited number of users

Unlimited number of tools

Custom QR codes

Capture process data manually




Per month

Unlimited number of users

Unlimited number of tools

Custom QR codes

Capture process data manually




Per month

Unlimited number of users

Unlimited number of tools

Custom QR codes

Capture process data manually

Basic + Scanning



Per tool partner / per month

Unlimited number of users

Unlimited number of tools

Custom QR codes

Capture process data manually

Scan unique manufacturer IDs & uniquely identify

Basic + Scanning



Per tool partner / per month

Unlimited number of users

Unlimited number of tools

Custom QR codes

Capture process data manually

Scan unique manufacturer IDs & uniquely identify

Basic + Scanning



Per tool partner / per month

Unlimited number of users

Unlimited number of tools

Custom QR codes

Capture process data manually

Scan unique manufacturer IDs & uniquely identify

Basic + Sharpening



Per sharpening service / per month

Unlimited number of users

Unlimited number of tools

Custom QR codes

Capture process data manually

Create and track sharpening orders

Basic + Sharpening



Per sharpening service / per month

Unlimited number of users

Unlimited number of tools

Custom QR codes

Capture process data manually

Create and track sharpening orders

Basic + Sharpening



Per sharpening service / per month

Unlimited number of users

Unlimited number of tools

Custom QR codes

Capture process data manually

Create and track sharpening orders

Plus Scanning + Sharpening



For sharpening service & tool partner

Unlimited number of users

Unlimited number of tools

Custom QR codes

Capture process data manually

Scan unique manufacturer IDs & uniquely identify

Create and track sharpening orders

Plus Scanning + Sharpening



For sharpening service & tool partner

Unlimited number of users

Unlimited number of tools

Custom QR codes

Capture process data manually

Scan unique manufacturer IDs & uniquely identify

Create and track sharpening orders

Plus Scanning + Sharpening



For sharpening service & tool partner

Unlimited number of users

Unlimited number of tools

Custom QR codes

Capture process data manually

Scan unique manufacturer IDs & uniquely identify

Create and track sharpening orders


Lets talk!

One-time costs per machine on request

Unlimited number of users

Unlimited number of tools

Custom QR codes

Capture process data automatically

Machine connectivity with selected machine

Automatic transfer of tool data to the machine

Access to the cloud-based tool database of the machine


Lets talk!

One-time costs per machine on request

Unlimited number of users

Unlimited number of tools

Custom QR codes

Capture process data automatically

Machine connectivity with selected machine

Automatic transfer of tool data to the machine

Access to the cloud-based tool database of the machine


Lets talk!

One-time costs per machine on request

Unlimited number of users

Unlimited number of tools

Custom QR codes

Capture process data automatically

Machine connectivity with selected machine

Automatic transfer of tool data to the machine

Access to the cloud-based tool database of the machine

Tool management
from the field made
digital & efficient.


How do I set limit values?

How do I set limit values?

How do I set limit values?

How do I work with twinio?

How do I work with twinio?

How do I work with twinio?

How do I get twinio on my smartphone?

How do I get twinio on my smartphone?

How do I get twinio on my smartphone?

How do cutters and adapters find each other?

How do cutters and adapters find each other?

How do cutters and adapters find each other?

How can I purchase a license in the tapio Store?

How can I purchase a license in the tapio Store?

How can I purchase a license in the tapio Store?

Where is my tool located?

Where is my tool located?

Where is my tool located?

What does the verification status mean?

What does the verification status mean?

What does the verification status mean?

More questions?

Get started
with twinio now

Now get started with

twinio Mobile and twinio Office, which are opened directly in the browser on illustrated desktop and mobile device.
twinio Mobile and twinio Office, which are opened directly in the browser on illustrated desktop and mobile device.
twinio Mobile and twinio Office, which are opened directly in the browser on illustrated desktop and mobile device.

Use twinio on your smartphone or computer and log in to My tapio to take advantage of easy tool management across all your devices.

Use twinio on your smartphone or computer and log in to My tapio to take advantage of easy tool management across all your devices.

No My tapio company account yet?

No My tapio company account yet?

No My tapio company account yet?