provides an overview
of your material
Manage digital material
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material manager
A web app for your material management
With the materialManager, chaotic stacks of edgebanding, long searches and unnecessary material reorders are a thing of the past! The web app provides a complete overview of all the materials created, without any restrictions.

material manager
A web app for your material management
With the materialManager, chaotic stacks of edgebanding, long searches and unnecessary material reorders are a thing of the past! The web app provides a complete overview of all the materials created, without any restrictions.

material manager
A web app for your material management
With the materialManager, chaotic stacks of edgebanding, long searches and unnecessary material reorders are a thing of the past! The web app provides a complete overview of all the materials created, without any restrictions.

Edge banding
All information about your edgebands
Creating your edgebands is as easy as retrieving them. With just one click, you can immediately see where there is still suitable edgeband material for your order. You can see the remaining stock, i.e. the edgeband lengths. In this way, you avoid unnecessary costs for new orders and also save on storage space.

Edge banding
All information about your edgebands
Creating your edgebands is as easy as retrieving them. With just one click, you can immediately see where there is still suitable edgeband material for your order. You can see the remaining stock, i.e. the edgeband lengths. In this way, you avoid unnecessary costs for new orders and also save on storage space.

Edge banding
All information about your edgebands
Creating your edgebands is as easy as retrieving them. With just one click, you can immediately see where there is still suitable edgeband material for your order. You can see the remaining stock, i.e. the edgeband lengths. In this way, you avoid unnecessary costs for new orders and also save on storage space.

Add edge banding type
Simply create materials such as edgebands
Simply enter all edgebands on your laptop or PC. You only need to enter the relevant edgeband once with the required data or insert it using drag & drop. You can also enter and manage new stocks at any time.

Add edge banding type
Simply create materials such as edgebands
Simply enter all edgebands on your laptop or PC. You only need to enter the relevant edgeband once with the required data or insert it using drag & drop. You can also enter and manage new stocks at any time.

Add edge banding type
Simply create materials such as edgebands
Simply enter all edgebands on your laptop or PC. You only need to enter the relevant edgeband once with the required data or insert it using drag & drop. You can also enter and manage new stocks at any time.

Edge banding stocks
One view for all stocks of one edgeband type
The advantage of materialManager is that you do not have to create the same edgeband rolls more than once, as the stock management function is there for this purpose. Here you can manage all stocks, such as rolls and remnants, for an edgeband type and specify the respective storage location.

Edge banding stocks
One view for all stocks of one edgeband type
The advantage of materialManager is that you do not have to create the same edgeband rolls more than once, as the stock management function is there for this purpose. Here you can manage all stocks, such as rolls and remnants, for an edgeband type and specify the respective storage location.

Edge banding stocks
One view for all stocks of one edgeband type
The advantage of materialManager is that you do not have to create the same edgeband rolls more than once, as the stock management function is there for this purpose. Here you can manage all stocks, such as rolls and remnants, for an edgeband type and specify the respective storage location.

materialManager data in other applications
You can easily transfer the data records and information for the selected materials from the MaterialManager to other applications, such as materialAssist Edge, intelliDivide or CADmatic from HOMAG.

materialManager data in other applications
You can easily transfer the data records and information for the selected materials from the MaterialManager to other applications, such as materialAssist Edge, intelliDivide or CADmatic from HOMAG.

materialManager data in other applications
You can easily transfer the data records and information for the selected materials from the MaterialManager to other applications, such as materialAssist Edge, intelliDivide or CADmatic from HOMAG.

Web app
No matter when and where - directly in the browser
Thanks to the technical implementation as a web app, the materialManager can be used independently of the device at any time and place in the browser, without the need for updates [1].
Web app
No matter when and where - directly in the browser
Thanks to the technical implementation as a web app, the materialManager can be used independently of the device at any time and place in the browser, without the need for updates [1].
Web app
No matter when and where - directly in the browser
Thanks to the technical implementation as a web app, the materialManager can be used independently of the device at any time and place in the browser, without the need for updates [1].
Choose the right
package for your
material management
Try for free
Per unit / per month
Try for 30 days
Capture and Management
Clear presentation of material properties
Seamless distribution of material data to machines and applications
Comprehensive support for edge and panel materials
Try for free
Per unit / per month
Try for 30 days
Capture and Management
Clear presentation of material properties
Seamless distribution of material data to machines and applications
Comprehensive support for edge and panel materials
Try for free
Per unit / per month
Try for 30 days
Capture and Management
Clear presentation of material properties
Seamless distribution of material data to machines and applications
Comprehensive support for edge and panel materials
Per month / Per machine
Unlimited number of users
Capture and management of up to 10,000 materials
Seamless distribution of material data to machines and applications
Comprehensive support for edge and panel materials
Remaining Runtimes
Per month / Per machine
Unlimited number of users
Capture and management of up to 10,000 materials
Seamless distribution of material data to machines and applications
Comprehensive support for edge and panel materials
Remaining Runtimes
Per month / Per machine
Unlimited number of users
Capture and management of up to 10,000 materials
Seamless distribution of material data to machines and applications
Comprehensive support for edge and panel materials
Remaining Runtimes
materialManager Advanced
Lets talk!
Simplifies machine usage and reduces sources of error.
Save time and money through parameterization for optimal service life and efficient production.
Provides an overview of the lifecycle, state, and usage of the tools.
Reduces the testing effort for new materials.
Licenses for the materialManager Classic (central material management) and twinio (tool management) are included.
materialManager Advanced
Lets talk!
Simplifies machine usage and reduces sources of error.
Save time and money through parameterization for optimal service life and efficient production.
Provides an overview of the lifecycle, state, and usage of the tools.
Reduces the testing effort for new materials.
Licenses for the materialManager Classic (central material management) and twinio (tool management) are included.
materialManager Advanced
Lets talk!
Simplifies machine usage and reduces sources of error.
Save time and money through parameterization for optimal service life and efficient production.
Provides an overview of the lifecycle, state, and usage of the tools.
Reduces the testing effort for new materials.
Licenses for the materialManager Classic (central material management) and twinio (tool management) are included.
perfect edge management
The comprehensive edge band assistant
Expand the materialManager with the complete Edgeband Management Set from HOMAG. Includes hardware (edgeband rack, label printer, LED lights, scanner) and apps such as materialAssist Edge and materialManager. Perfect for managing your edgebanding.

perfect edge management
The comprehensive edge band assistant
Expand the materialManager with the complete Edgeband Management Set from HOMAG. Includes hardware (edgeband rack, label printer, LED lights, scanner) and apps such as materialAssist Edge and materialManager. Perfect for managing your edgebanding.

perfect edge management
The comprehensive edge band assistant
Expand the materialManager with the complete Edgeband Management Set from HOMAG. Includes hardware (edgeband rack, label printer, LED lights, scanner) and apps such as materialAssist Edge and materialManager. Perfect for managing your edgebanding.

Any remaining questions?
Matching solutions
Put an end
to material chaos with the materialManager
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