
News from the tapio app world.




Servicepartner Homag verlängert die Aktion „ServiceBoard for free“ bis zum Ende des Jahres. Damit ist jede Lizenz, die im Aktionszeitraum bis zum 31.12.2024 erworben wird, dauerhaft kostenlos. 

So funktioniert’s: 

  1. ServiceBoard im tapio Shop auswählen 

  2. Gewünschte Anzahl Lizenzen und Abonnementsperiode wählen 

  3. In den Warenkorb legen und Kauf abschließen  

Die Lizenz wird für 0 € erworben und bleibt dauerhaft kostenlos. Dies gilt ebenfalls für im Aktionszeitraum provisionierte Lizenzen im Rahmen des App-Plus-Pakets von Homag. 

Wie kaufe ich eine Lizenz?

Servicepartner Homag verlängert die Aktion „ServiceBoard for free“ bis zum Ende des Jahres. Damit ist jede Lizenz, die im Aktionszeitraum bis zum 31.12.2024 erworben wird, dauerhaft kostenlos. 

So funktioniert’s: 

  1. ServiceBoard im tapio Shop auswählen 

  2. Gewünschte Anzahl Lizenzen und Abonnementsperiode wählen 

  3. In den Warenkorb legen und Kauf abschließen  

Die Lizenz wird für 0 € erworben und bleibt dauerhaft kostenlos. Dies gilt ebenfalls für im Aktionszeitraum provisionierte Lizenzen im Rahmen des App-Plus-Pakets von Homag. 

Wie kaufe ich eine Lizenz?

Servicepartner Homag verlängert die Aktion „ServiceBoard for free“ bis zum Ende des Jahres. Damit ist jede Lizenz, die im Aktionszeitraum bis zum 31.12.2024 erworben wird, dauerhaft kostenlos. 

So funktioniert’s: 

  1. ServiceBoard im tapio Shop auswählen 

  2. Gewünschte Anzahl Lizenzen und Abonnementsperiode wählen 

  3. In den Warenkorb legen und Kauf abschließen  

Die Lizenz wird für 0 € erworben und bleibt dauerhaft kostenlos. Dies gilt ebenfalls für im Aktionszeitraum provisionierte Lizenzen im Rahmen des App-Plus-Pakets von Homag. 

Wie kaufe ich eine Lizenz?

At the request of numerous users, tapio has now also implemented the proven QR code scanner in the new ServiceBoard web app. It was already possible to capture the machine via the QR code scanner when creating a service case in the native ServiceBoard app, which was discontinued last year. This is now possible again. 

Here’s how it works: 

  1. Select “Create service case” 

  2. Select service partner (if multiple are available). 

  3. Select QR code icon to open camera 

  4. Scan the QR code of the HOMAG machine 

The machine number will then be entered automatically. If this is not the case, please check whether the machine has been assigned a ServiceBoard license in My tapio

At the request of numerous users, tapio has now also implemented the proven QR code scanner in the new ServiceBoard web app. It was already possible to capture the machine via the QR code scanner when creating a service case in the native ServiceBoard app, which was discontinued last year. This is now possible again. 

Here’s how it works: 

  1. Select “Create service case” 

  2. Select service partner (if multiple are available). 

  3. Select QR code icon to open camera 

  4. Scan the QR code of the HOMAG machine 

The machine number will then be entered automatically. If this is not the case, please check whether the machine has been assigned a ServiceBoard license in My tapio

At the request of numerous users, tapio has now also implemented the proven QR code scanner in the new ServiceBoard web app. It was already possible to capture the machine via the QR code scanner when creating a service case in the native ServiceBoard app, which was discontinued last year. This is now possible again. 

Here’s how it works: 

  1. Select “Create service case” 

  2. Select service partner (if multiple are available). 

  3. Select QR code icon to open camera 

  4. Scan the QR code of the HOMAG machine 

The machine number will then be entered automatically. If this is not the case, please check whether the machine has been assigned a ServiceBoard license in My tapio

The search field now allows users to also search for case numbers and thereby find specific cases more easily. Several users stated that service partners refer to their case numbers in email conversations or to clearly identify the exact case. Therefore, we integrated the case number in the overview and added it as a searchable term to the search field.  

How to use it 

  • Open ServiceBoard Case overview 

  • Type your case number into the search field 

  • Click "Search" 

A list of the closest results will show up and users can easily find the corresponding case. 

The search field now allows users to also search for case numbers and thereby find specific cases more easily. Several users stated that service partners refer to their case numbers in email conversations or to clearly identify the exact case. Therefore, we integrated the case number in the overview and added it as a searchable term to the search field.  

How to use it 

  • Open ServiceBoard Case overview 

  • Type your case number into the search field 

  • Click "Search" 

A list of the closest results will show up and users can easily find the corresponding case. 

The search field now allows users to also search for case numbers and thereby find specific cases more easily. Several users stated that service partners refer to their case numbers in email conversations or to clearly identify the exact case. Therefore, we integrated the case number in the overview and added it as a searchable term to the search field.  

How to use it 

  • Open ServiceBoard Case overview 

  • Type your case number into the search field 

  • Click "Search" 

A list of the closest results will show up and users can easily find the corresponding case. 

Every license purchased during the limited period from May to September 2025 is permanently free.

This is how it works: 

  1. Go to the tapio shop.

  2. Select ServiceBoard.

  3. Add a new license to your cart.

  4. The license is acquired for 0 € and remains permanently free.

Learn more

Every license purchased during the limited period from May to September 2025 is permanently free.

This is how it works: 

  1. Go to the tapio shop.

  2. Select ServiceBoard.

  3. Add a new license to your cart.

  4. The license is acquired for 0 € and remains permanently free.

Learn more

Every license purchased during the limited period from May to September 2025 is permanently free.

This is how it works: 

  1. Go to the tapio shop.

  2. Select ServiceBoard.

  3. Add a new license to your cart.

  4. The license is acquired for 0 € and remains permanently free.

Learn more