
Digitally connecting old machines

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Tim Clermont

Old panel saw from HOMAG
Old panel saw from HOMAG
Old panel saw from HOMAG

DIGITALIZATION - the word that you hear or read everywhere. But can I only become digital if my boss buys new machines? What do I do with my old treasures?

Some machines in smaller or medium-sized companies probably still look like this or something similar. Often also called "old sweethearts." Thanks to proper maintenance they are still in operations and fulfill their duties.

But how can I participate in today's digitalization with these "old" machines? Or am I left behind?

Surely I can't become as digital with these machines as with today's "new" machines, that's clear, but I can already use products for these machines today that don't need any connection to the Internet from the machine side.

As an example, I would like to mention the ServiceBoard, with this app I can send service requests to the manufacturer directly via my smartphone or tablet and save myself the telephone call and lengthy explanations. Also, I can add up to 3 pictures directly. If there should be a bigger problem, I can show the issue directly to the service technician thanks to the video diagnosis without having to explain for a long time what I exactly mean. This not only saves me time but also the service technician and that is cash, which I save.

A digital solution for panel saws is already available from tapio partner HOMAG. With HOMAG intelliDivide I can easily optimize my saws without having to connect them to the Internet. This way I can book this option for one month if I have a large order and have my panel material optimized. This not only saves me time but also money if, for example, I am processing a costly material.

Optimize-> Download cutting plan-> Saws-> very easy.

These are the first steps that also my old treasures can be equipped with digital solutions and who knows what will come in the future...

In this sense: Don't think analog, think digital!