
2018: tapio is one of the 100 most innovative startups in Germany

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Christian Neumann

4 people in black T-shirts in front of a HOMAG machine
4 people in black T-shirts in front of a HOMAG machine
4 people in black T-shirts in front of a HOMAG machine

Berlin, November 26, 2018. The eleventh edition of "The Hundert Startups of Germany 2018" has been published. The current issue is about the 100 most innovative startups from all over Germany.

650 startups have submitted their applications, 100 made it into the magazine, including the young company tapio from Nagold, southern Germany. The award shows that digitization can also be driven by an industry itself. Even in places beyond the digital centers like Berlin, the digital future is being shaped.

About tapio

"tapio creates an ecosystem for the wood industry to support the sector in taking the leap into the digital future. 28 business partners of tapio share the conviction that customer-oriented collaboration and a shared technological platform are crucial for the digital future." Highlight of the year: "Hundreds of customers and 28 business partners gained."

Prominent expert jury decided on the allocation

The 42-member expert jury, consisting of investors such as Andreas Winiarski (EarlyBird), Chiara Sommer (Intel Capital), and Frank Thelen (Freigeist Capital), founders like Oliver Samwer (Rocket Internet), Jochen Engert (Flixbus), and Lea-Sophie Cramer (Amorelie), corporate representatives such as Philipp Justus (Google), Tim Dümichen (KPMG), and Markus Hägele (Daimler), and politicians like Brigitte Zypries (former Minister of Economic Affairs), has selected the 100 most interesting startups from all over Germany.

The Hundert

The Hundert is a coffee table book series published by the Berlin publisher NKF Media. The magazine provides an overview of various startup ecosystems around the world: Each issue introduces the founders and entrepreneurs behind the startups. Prepared with interviews, analyses, and reports, The Hundert outlines the exciting and rapid changes in the world of startups. Each startup is presented on a double page. The Hundert Startups of Germany 2018 is completed by interviews, comments, and charts. This creates a snapshot of the constantly changing startup location Germany. Economic aspects also play a significant role, so the Minister of Economic Affairs Peter Altmaier (CDU) has kindly written the foreword for this edition.